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@ Feb 07
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Relationship Rights


Sometimes relationships can be really complicated, and this is especially true if it is your first one. It is important to know your rights when being in a relationship. Knowing your rights will help you and your partner make better choices, as well as set healthy boundaries. It’s good to have something to reference when you have questions, so here is a list of your rights for when you’re dating.

I have the right to…

1.     Ask for a date

2.     Refuse a date

3.     Not be abused

4.     Be treated with respect

5.     Be listened to and heard

6.     Have friends of my own

7.     Have private time and space to myself

8.     Express my own opinions

9.     Set boundaries

10.   Say “no” when something makes me uncomfortable

11.   Have my needs considered just as much as my partners’

12.  Stand up for myself

13.  Have my own feelings, values, limits, and beliefs respected

In high school there is a lot of pressure on us to be “with” someone. It’s natural to want to connect to someone in a special way because it makes us feel good. It crucial that you do so when you’re ready, and on your own terms. Relationships are supposed to compliment your current life and make you feel good about yourself. Keep your rights in mind. If you aren’t getting treated the way you want or expected to be, you have the right to change things. And remember, there is no rush to be in a relationship.

- Megan Oleski, Youth Education Specialist