Start Talking

@ Dec 22
“Although my time in the program has been short in comparison to others, the program itself has had a tremendous impact on various aspects in my life. Because of this program, I have been able to help myself and family members beware of dangerous relationships."

Peer Educator, Central East High School

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Teen Power and Control

If one partner creates all the rules and boundaries, it can lead into methods of power and control over their partner. The teen power and control wheel can help us understand different types of emotional, verbal, physical and sexual abuse that may take place.
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Be Aware of Red Flags

What do you think of when you hear “Red Flags”? Do you think of sports? Chances are that relationships are not the first thing that comes to mind. Just like in sports, relationships have red flags, but these red flags are a little bit different. Red flags in relationships are warning signs that show your relationship can be abusive in the future. Below are some red flags that are common in unhealthy relationships:
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What is Stalking?

Stalking can generally be defined as a pattern of behavior that is directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. This means that stalking is not something that happens just once, but repeatedly over a period of time. Often times we joke about stalking in reference to social media, but it is a real and serious problem. With advances in technology, there has been an increase of stalking through the internet and cellphones.
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