Start Talking

@ Feb 23

What is Human Trafficking?

When you hear someone say “Human Trafficking” what do you think? Typically, the first thing that someone thinks about is sexual exploitation, but what they do not realize is that, sexual exploitation is only one type of trafficking. Human Trafficking can be defined as modern day slavery; someone who is forced to work with little to no pay. What do you think some other form of human trafficking are?
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Relationship Rights

Sometimes relationships can be really complicated, and this is especially true if it is your first one. It is important to know your rights when being in a relationship. Knowing your rights will help you and your partner make better choices, as well as set healthy boundaries.
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KNOW MORE Training 2016

Marjaree Mason Center’s KNOW MORE program held its annual training on September 24th and 25th at Fresno High School. This beautiful Fresno High building is normally quiet on a weekend, but not this weekend! The halls were filled with laughter and conversation as we brought students together from all over Fresno County. Over 120 students were in attendance, coming from twelve high schools within four different districts.
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. Sometimes, we think that abuse is only physical, but that may only be one part of it. We tend to minimize emotional abuse by saying things such as, “at least they don’t hit you,” or “things could be so much worse.” The fact is that emotional abuse is just as serious as physical and sexual abuse.
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