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@ Feb 23

Let's Not Forget Our Men

Usually when we hear some say domestic violence and relationship abuse, we think of a man hitting a woman. This is one of the most universally known examples of relationship abuse, but it comes with the misconception that only women experience abuse. The truth is that this is not always the case, men can be the victims of domestic violence too.
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Friends Helping Friends

Friends are an important part of anyone’s life and they can become like your second family. You start to spend all of your time with them, talk about everything with them, and you may start to feel the closest with them. With that being said, you know a lot about their personal life. Friends share things with you that they have never shared with anyone else. Statistics shows that 80% of teens go to their friends when they need help with something.
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LGBTQ Relationships

Often times it is a struggle to be different. This is especially true for the LGBTQ community. If you don’t know, LGBTQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning. Studies have shown that abuse is just as common in LGBTQ relationships as it is in heterosexual relationships, but it is important to take note of some key differences.
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How To Have A Healthy Relationship

We all have a different perception of what our ideal relationship would be. As men maybe it’s a woman that caters to our every need. As women maybe it’s a man that will drop everything for you, maybe just somebody to listen to you. Well truth is there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, and in every relationship there will be differences and disagreements.
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